Gonsalvez, C.J (2021).
Supervisor competence: Frameworks, principles, techniques and best practice guidelines. Keynote Presentation. Hunter New England LHD’s 2021 Psychology Online Conference, Nov 19, 2021.
Gonsalvez, C. J. (2021).
Supervisors’ Assessments of supervisees through the competency prism: Insights, challenges and future strategies. Keynote Presentation: Cairnmillar Institute Online Supervision Conference: Supervision in Turbulent Times. Nov 24th, 2021.
Gonsalvez, C.J. (2020).
Assessment of Psychology Practitioner Competence: Achievements, Challenges and Inconvenient Truths. APS Awardee Presentation. APS Conference – Advancing Psychology 2020, Oct 16-18, 2020. Ppt on Oct 16
Gonsalvez, C.J. (2019).
Recent insights into competency-based assessment and evaluation: Advancing clinical supervision. Keynote Presentation and Workshop. California Psychological Association Division II Conference for Training Directors and Clinical Supervisors. March 16, 2019. Los Angeles, CA 90025.
Gonsalvez, C.J. (2017).
Assessment of supervisee competence by supervisors: Progress, pitfalls and promises. Keynote presentation at the 13th International Interdisciplinary Clinical Supervision Conference at New York, June 14-16, 2017.
Gonsalvez, C. J. Deane, FD, Shires, A., Nicholson Perry, K., Donovan, M., Bartik, W. (2017).
Using the CYPRS to identify students with competence problems: Problems, solutions and future directions. Paper presented at the Queensland Health & University Forum, Brisbane, September 28, 2017.
Gonsalvez, C.J., Deane, FD, Knight, R., Nasstasia, Y., Gooi, C., Shires, A., Nicholson Perry, K., Donovan, M., Bartik, W., Billich-Eric, L. (2017).
Key findings from a multisite project on competence assessment. Paper presented at the Clinical Psychology Course Directors Forum, Brisbane, June 2017.
Gonsalvez, C. J. (2017).
From Competence to Burnout: Reflections on the education, training and supervision of the practitioner psychologist. Westmead Hospital Behavioural Medicine Lecture Series. Nov 2017
Gonsalvez, C.J., Blackman, R., Deane, FD, Donovan, M., Gooi, C., Knight, R., Nasstasia, Y., Nicholson, L., Nicholson Perry, K., Shires, A., Bartik, W., (2017).
Assessment of Practicum competencies in Clinical Psychology: Key findings and Future Directions. Australian and New Zealand Psychology Training Clinic Directors Conference (Oct 2017).
Deane, F. P., Gonsalvez, C., Terry, J., & Blackman, R. (2016).
Development and acceptability of a vignette-matching procedure to assess clinical psychology trainees’ competencies in field placements, 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan, July.
Donovan, M., Nicholson Perry, K., Knight, R., & Shires, A. (2016).
Trainees with professional competence problems, Clinical Psychology Programs Placement Coordinators Meeting, Melbourne, June.
Gonsalvez, C.J., Shires, A., Donovan, M., Knight, R., Deane, F. (2016).
Innovations in the assessment of practicum competencies: The use of standardised vignettes, Twelfth International Interdisciplinary Conference on Clinical Supervision, Garden City, New York, June.
Shires, A., (2015)
Using Standardised Vignettes to Assess Practicum Competencies in Psychology and Other Disciplines, Why Health Matters: Bench to Bedside and Beyond UTS Research Symposium, UTS, April.