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Gonsalvez, C.J., Riebel, T., Nolan, L., Pohlmann, S., Bartik, W. (2023). Supervisor versus self-assessment of trainee competence: Differences across developmental stages and competency domains. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 79, 2959-2973. https://doi.org/1002/jclp.23590
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Gonsalvez C.J., & Calvert, F. (2023). The Affect-Graph as a supervisory technique: Theoretical foundations, procedures and applications. The Clinical Supervisor, 42, 329-351.
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Barrett, J., Calvert, F., Gonsalvez, C.J., & Shires, A. (2023). A Qualitative Investigation into Perceptions of Scientist-Practitioner Competence Within Supervision During Psychology Training Programmes. Australian Psychologist, 58, 80-93. https://doi.org/10.1080/00050067.2022.2125282
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Grassby, S., & Gonsalvez, C.J. (2022). Group supervisión is an independent supervisor competency: Empirical evidence and a brief scale for supervisory practice. Australian Psychologist, 57, 352-358. https://doi.org/10.1080/00050067.2022.2107890
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Gonsalvez, C.J. (2022). On accreditation standards, competence assessment and gate-keeping: Houston, we have a problem! Clinical Psychologist, 26, 2, 193-197. https://doi.org/10.1080/13284207.2022.2035652
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Gonsalvez, C. J., Terry, J., Deane, F.P., Nasstasia, Y., Knight, R., Gooi C.H. (2021). End-of-placement failure rates among clinical psychology trainees: Exceptional training and outstanding trainees or poor gate-keeping? Clinical Psychologist. DOI: 10.1080/13284207.2021.1927692
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Gonsalvez, C. J., Deane, F.P., Terry, J., Nasstasia, Y., and Shires, A. (2021). Innovations in competence assessment: Design and initial validation of the Vignette Matching Assessment Tool (VMAT). Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 15, 106-116. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/tep0000302.
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Cartwright, C., Hayes, J.A., Yang, Y., Shires, A. (2021). “Thinking it through”: toward a model of reflective practice for trainee psychologists’ countertransference reactions. Australian Psychologist 56 (2), 168-180
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Deane, F. P., Donovan, M., Quinlan, E., Calvert, F., & Allan, C. (2021). In with the outputs and out with the inputs: A need for better tracking and research on professional psychology practicum hours. Clinical Psychologist, 25, 283, 293, https://10.1080/13284207.2021.1923127
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Gonsalvez, C. J. (2021). A short scale to evaluate supervisión and supervisor competence. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 28, 452-461. DOI: 10.1002/cpp.2510
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Gonsalvez, C. J., Shafranske, E. P., McLeod, H., Falender, C. (2021). Competency-based standards and guidelines for psychology practice in Australia: Opportunities and risks. Clinical Psychologist, doi: 10.1080/13284207.2020.1829943
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Gonsalvez, C. J., Deane, F.P., Terry, J., and Gooi, C. H. (2020). Anatomy of psychology practitioner competence: Clustering approach reveals the hierarchical organisation of competence. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice. Vol 27(4), Dec 2020;ArtID: e12347. https://doi.org/10.1111/cpsp.12347
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Barrett, J., Shires, A., Gonsalvez, C.J. (2020). Promoting Scientist-Practitioner Competence within Clinical Supervision of Psychology Trainees: A Systematic Review. Clinical Psychologist, 24:3-17. DOI:10.1111/cp.12196
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Hitzemann C., Gonsalvez, C.J., Britt, E., Moses, K. (2020). Clinical psychology trainees’ self versus supervisor assessments of practitioner competencies. Clinical Psychologist, 24:18-29. DOI: 10.1111/cp.12183
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Deane, F.P., Gonsalvez, C. Joyce, C., Britt E. (2018). Developmental trajectories of competency attainment amongst clinical psychology trainees across field placements. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 2018. DOI: DOI: 10.1002/jclp.22619
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Calvert, F. L., Deane, F. P., & Barrett, J. (2019). Supervisees’ experiences of a metacommunication intervention in clinical supervision. Clinical Psychologist, 24, 30- 40, https://doi.org/10.1111/cp.12199
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Calvert, F. L., Deane, F., P., & Barrett, J. (2019). Improvements in psychologists’ metacommunication self-efficacy, willingness and skill following online training and a supervision exercise. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 76, 1083-1100, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31730269/
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Calvert, F. L., Deane, F. P., & Grenyer, B. F. S. (2018). Supervisee perspectives on the use of metacommunication in supervision. Psychotherapy Research, 30, 28-38, https://doi.org/10.1080/10503307.2018.1524169
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Calvert, F. L., Deane, F. P., Crowe, T., P., & Grenyer, B. F. S. (2018). Supervisor perceptions of relational competence: Core components and developmental Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 12, 135-141, https://doi.org/10.1037/tep0000194
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Blackman, R., Deane, F.P., Gonsalvez, C. & Saffioti, D. (2017). Preliminary exploration of psychologists’ knowledge and perceptions of electronic security and implications for use of technology-assisted supervision. Australian Psychologist, 52 (2), 83-85/ doi:10.1111/ap.12262
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Gonsalvez, C. J., Hamid, G., Savage, N. M., Livni, D. (2017). The supervision evaluation and supervisory competence scale: Psychometric validation. Australian Psychologist, 52(2), 94-103. doi: 10.1111/ap.12269
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Calvert, F. L., Crowe, T. P., & Grenyer, B. F. S. (2017). An investigation of supervisory practices to develop relational and reflective competence in psychologists. Australian Psychologist, 52(6), 467–479, https://doi.org/10.1111/ap.12261
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Terry, J., Gonsalvez, C., & Deane, F. P. (2017). Brief Online Training with Standardised Vignettes Reduces Inflated Supervisor Ratings of Trainee Practitioner Competencies. Australian Psychologist, 52 (2), 130-139, doi:10.1111/ap.12250
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Gonsalvez, C. J., Deane, F.P., Wahnoon, T. (2017). Goal-setting, Feedback, and Assessment Practices Reported by Australian Clinical Supervisors. Australian Psychologist, 52, 21-30. doi: 10.1111/ap.12175
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Gonsalvez, C. J., Deane, F. P., O’Donovan, A. O. (2017). Introduction to the Special Issue, Recent Developments in Professional Supervision: Challenges and Practice Implications. Australian Psychologist, 52 (2), 83-85/ doi:10.1111/ap.12276
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Stevens, B., Hyde, J., Knight, R., Shires, A., Alexander, R. (2017). Competency‐based training and assessment in Australian postgraduate clinical psychology education. Clinical Psychologist 21 (3), 174-185.
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Shires, A., Vrklevski, L., Hyde, J., Bliokas, V., Simmons, A. (2017). Barriers to provision of external clinical psychology student placements. Australian Psychologist 52 (2), 140-148
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Calvert, F.L., Crowe, T.P., & Grenyer, B.F.S. (2016). Dialogical reflexivity in supervision: An experiential learning process for enhancing reflective and relational competencies. The Cllinical Supervisor, 35, 1-21.
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Gonsalvez, C.J., Brockman, R., Hill, H. (2016). Video feedback in CBT supervision: Review and illustration of two specific techniques The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 9, e24, p 1-15.
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Gonsalvez, C.J., Deane, F.P., Caputi, P. (2016). Consistency of supervisor and peer ratings of assessment interviews conducted by psychology trainees. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 44, 516-529
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Hill, Crowe, & Gonsalvez (2016). Reflective dialogue in clinical supervision: A pilot study involving collaborative review of supervision videos. Psychotherapy Research, 26, 263-278. doi: 10.1080/10503307.2014.996795.
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Gonsalvez, C.J., Terry, J., Deane, F. P. (2016). Using standardised vignettes to assess practicum competencies in psychology and other disciplines. Final Report. Canberra: Department of Education and Training. ISBN 978-1-76051-008-4
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Deane, F. P., Gonsalvez, C., Blackman, R., Saffioti, D. and Andresen, R. (2015). Issues in the development of e-supervision in professional psychology: A review. Australian Psychologist, 50(3), 241–247. doi: 10.1111/ap.12107
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Gonsalvez, C.J., Deane, F.P., Blackman, R., Matthias, M., Knight, R., Nasstasia, Y., Shires, A., Nicholson Perry, K., Allan, C., Bliokas, V. (2015). The hierarchical clustering of clinical psychology practicum competencies: A multisite study of supervisor ratings. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice. 22, 390-403. doi:10.1111/cpsp.12123
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Cartwright, C., Rhodes, P., King, R., & Shires, A. (2015). A pilot study of a method for teaching clinical psychology trainees to conceptualise and manage countertransference. Australian Psychologist 50 (2), 148-156
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Cartwright, C., Rhodes, P., King, R., & Shires, A. (2014). Experiences of countertransference: Reports of clinical psychology students. Australian Psychologist 49 (4), 232-240
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Gonsalvez, C. J., & Crowe, T. (2014). Evaluation of Psychology Practitioner Competence in Clinical Supervision. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 68(2), 177-193.
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Gonsalvez, C.J., & Calvert, F. (2014). Competency-based models of supervision: Principles and applications, promises and challenges. Australian Psychologist, 49(4), 200-208. doi:10.1111/ap.12055
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Gonsalvez, C.J. (2014). Establishing Supervision Goals and Formalising a Supervision Agreement: A Competency-based Approach. In C. L. Watkins & D.L.Milne (Eds.), Wiley Blackwell International Handbook of Clinical Supervision, First Edn., Chapter 12, 282-307. Chicheser: Wiley.
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Gonsalvez, C.J., Bushnell, J., Blackman, R., Deane, F., Bliokas, V., Nicholson-Perry, K., Shires, A., Nasstasia, Y., Allan, C., & Knight, R. (2013). Assessment of psychology competencies in field placements: Standardized vignettes reduce rater bias. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 7(2), 99-111. doi: 10.1037%2Fa0031617
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Bushnell JA, Gonsalvez CG, Blackman R, Deane F, Bliokas V, Nicholson-Perry K, Shires A, Nasstasia Y, Allan C, and Knight R, (2013) . Assessing ourselves: Is the assessment of performance in Clinical Psychology field placements due to biased raters or defective rating instruments? Journal of the New Zealand College of Clinical Psychologists 23(3), 4-11.
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Livni D., Crowe, T.J., Gonsalvez, C.J. (2012). Effects of Supervision Modality and Intensity on Alliance and Outcomes for the Supervisee. Rehabilitation Psychology, 57(2), 178-186. doi: 10.1037/a0027452
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Gonsalvez, C.J. (2012). The vignette-matching procedure: An innovative approach to assess competencies in psychology and clinical practicum. Final report. Sydney: Australian Learning and Teaching Council. ISBN 978 1 921916 59 5.
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Gonsalvez, C.J., & Milne, D. (2010). Clinical supervisor training in Australia: A Review of current problems and possible solutions. Australian Psychologist, 45(4), 233-242. doi:10.1080/00050067.2010.512612
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Murrihy, R. C., Byrne, M. K., & Gonsalvez, C. J. (2009). Testing an empirically-derived mental health training model featuring small groups, distributed practice and patient discussion. Medical Education, 43, 140-145.
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Gonsalvez, C.J., & McLeod. H. J. (2008). Toward the science-informed practice of clinical supervision: The Australian Context. Australian Psychologist, 43(2), 79-87. doi: 10.1080/00050060802054869
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Gonsalvez, C.J. (2008). Introduction to the special section on clinical supervision. Australian Psychologist, 43(2), 76-78. doi: 10.1080/00050060802068547
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Gonsalvez, C.J., & Freestone, J. (2007). Field supervisors’ evaluations of clinical trainees: Are they reliable and valid? Australian Psychologist, 42(1), 23-32. doi:10.1080/00050060600827615
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Gonsalvez, C.J., Oades, L., & Freestone, J. (2002). The objectives approach to clinical supervision: Towards integration and empirical evaluation. Australian Psychologist, 37 (1), 68-77. doi: 10.1080/00050060210001706706