Hello supervisors,

Would you like to contribute to clinical supervision research? There are several opportunities to participate in new cutting-edge research on important aspects of clinical supervisory practice.  There are ongoing projects on supervision evaluation, group supervision and the construction and validation of assessment instruments for supervisor evaluations of trainee competence, evaluation of supervisory competence. A PhD research investigation by Jessica Barrett at the University of Technology, Sydney is examining the concordance-discordance between supervisor-supervisee evaluations of supervision. Whilst previous research has independently scrutinised  evaluations by supervisors or supervisees, evaluations from both members of the supervisory dyad have rarely been examined. Of note is the fact that valid and realistic appraisal of one’s competence by supervisees is an important element of the reflective practice meta-competency, making the research venture both interesting and of value to the supervisor in practice. To participate or contribute, go to the Collaborate menu and click “Current Research” if the specific project has a link. Alternatively, contact me on [email protected]

King regards

Craig Gonsalvez
